
Allison Hantschel soon to expand her catalog of books

Not available from William, James, alas, but Allison Hantschel's second book on journalism (It Doesn't End with Us: the story of The Daily Cardinal) tells the story of University of Wisconsin-Madison’s 115-year-old student newspaper, where Allison worked for four years, even one stint as editor-in-chief.

Of course, Allison's first book on journalism, Special Plans, remains available through William, James & Co. It even remains current, as more and more of this story is revealed in the news. Just last week we learned the true identity of one of the world's most famous crazy drunk guys—one of the various anti-heroes of the Iraq War disinformation campaign—Curveball, whose real name is Rafid Ahmed Alwan.

Early on, Allison suggested that her own book could be called Curveball, with some snappy subtitle like How the American Public Got Spun Into War or The Lies and Deception Thrown at the American Public to Get Them to Support the Most Idiotic Boondoggle Since Vietnam. You know, something catchy that you can dance to. I put the kabosh on that one, since I really wanted to get that ridiculous portrait of Douggie Feith on the cover, and I didn't want the create an identity link between Curveball and Feith. Could be confusing, you know.

I suppose we'll have to wait till Sibel Edmonds tells her whole story to get all the gaps filled on the Feith saga. Until then, we can all read Allison's story of how real journalism is supposed to work. Ms. Hantschel allowed me a peek at a chapter some time ago. It's an amazing story. I've already pre-ordered the book so I can finish what I started. You oughtta do that, too.

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