
Eric Baerren on Project Rewire

Blogger Eric Baerren just finished reading Project Rewire (Judy Daubenmier) and has written a couple of thoughtful, informed essays on the book. He examines it through the lens of a national perspective at his personal blog Among the Trees.

Michigan-centric readers can read his essay on Project Rewire through a regional lens at Michigan Liberal (great lakes, great ideas, great tradition).

Excerpt from Among the Trees:

The most interesting thing about Judy Daubenmier's "Project Rewire" is how it tells its story -- through a collection of blog posts and essays published online.

The meat of the book is fairly familiar -- the media failed in the run up and during the conduct of Iraq to do its job. There is no simpler way than that to put it.

We all know the media failed, and anyone who's followed the twin threads of media and the war knows that blogs and independent thinkers online followed closely the media's performance and complained sometimes bitterly about how the information was presented.

But, "Project Rewire" gives us a chance, in a kind of running format, to watch how coverage unfolded based on criticisms posted as the coverage took place. It's a way to rewatch the big, newsmaking events not through the media itself, but through the eyes of people consuming the media and finding that it wasn't a satisfactory experience. ...

... I'd be remiss in leaving the impression that the book is merely a collection of blog posts. It provides a basic history of the American media, building it to the present day. You get the story of how we got here, and the story of what has unfolded before our eyes, and are left with precisely what we have today -- a giant question mark. ...

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