
Paul Brians interviewed on Visual Thesaurus

The Visual Thesaurus is an innovative, interactive virtual dictionary and thesaurus used by thousands of writers, students and professionals every day. Besides its hallmark "blossom" word maps, the site runs an entertaining online magazine. Paul Brians (Common Errors in English Usage) is the featured interview personality for January 29th (the section is Writers Talk About Writing).

Troupe or Troop? Is That a Dilemma or a Difficulty?

If you Google the word "English," one of the top three results -- ahead of giants like the BBC Learning English homepage -- will be a humble but entertaining website called Common Errors in English. It's run by a professor at Washington State University named Paul Brians, a professor specializing in the history of ideas. "This is just a sideline for me," Paul says. But a sideline that has gained a loyal worldwide following since he launched the site in 1997. Paul has now come out with a handy book version of his website called Common Errors in English Usage. (And a daily calendar, too.) We talked to him about his work, and navigating language pitfalls.

Visit visualthesaurus.com to see about the rest of Harris Salat's article.

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